Why adopt us ?

With our 50,000 products in inventory and our low prices, which defy those of the competition, Cédé Troqué is the leader in its field in the Ottawa region.

Since 1992, Cédé Troqué buys, sells, exchanges and repairs compact discs, video games and movies. And since 2008, we also buy, sell and exchange vinyl records, comics and audio cassettes

We use the most recent technology in disc repair. It is why we offer a warranty for all the products we sell. On top of that, we replace the product cases at the smallest fault.

Cédé Troqué offers you the best prices both when we buy or resell. We are therefore assured of a regular and daily supply of new products. you may also exchange products.

Our store located at 190 St-Jospeh Boulevard is well-situated and easy to acces. Parking is available behind the store.



Tous droits réservés © 2004-2006 Cédé Troque
Tél.819. 777-0311